Empowering Excellence: NINCo Learning Management System

Transform Your Learning Journey: Quality Improvement Training

Welcome to NINCo's dedicated Learning Management System (LMS), designed to offer you engaging and effective learning experiences. The platform is built with your needs in mind, prioritizing your privacy, security, and learning support at every turn. Dive into the platform today and begin your learning journey with us! The primary goal of the Quality Improvement (QI) training program is to establish a cohesive national approach to improving quality in general practice. This initiative aims to redefine perceptions of QI, emphasizing its innovative capacity, and integrating it seamlessly into core operations.


Redefining Perceptions

The program aims to challenge conventional views of QI, showcasing its transformative impact on healthcare delivery.

Innovative Integration

By integrating QI seamlessly into routine operations, the initiative aims to foster a culture of continuous improvement within general practice settings.

Enhancing Productivity

Implementing QI practices will streamline workflows, leading to increased efficiency and optimized resource utilization.

Elevating Care Quality

Through the adoption of QI principles, the program endeavours to raise the standard of care provided to patients, ensuring better health outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

Foundational Frameworks and Tools Mastery

  • Utilize foundational improvement frameworks as guiding maps for QI projects.
  • Apply improvement tools such as cause and effect diagrams and process mapping to facilitate team understanding of current states and idea generation for change.

Effective Implementation and Learning

  • Conduct and analyze small tests of change to gather insights and refine improvement strategies.
  • Interpret and utilize data, use QI tools and resources, to drive continuous improvement efforts effectively.

Change Management and Sustainability Skills

  • Apply tactics to address the psychology of change, building willingness, and engaging with resistance.
  • Define and integrate concepts of implementation, sustainability, and spread of QI initiatives in general practice settings.

Empowerment and Practical Application

  • Empower program staff with confidence in implementing QI practices at the practice level.
  • Equip participants with the skills and knowledge to serve as change leaders, utilizing various engagement tools and methodologies.